Individual Life Insurance

Bwenzi Funeral Plan

Bwenzi Funeral Plan is a funeral product that pays out a lump sum amount of money up to MWK1,000,000.00 upon death of the life assured.

Pasiwa Funeral Services Plan

Pasiwa Funeral Services Plan offers funeral services and other benefits on death of any life assured.

Little Genius Education Plan

An education plan without life cover.

Phindu Savings Plan

A policy that has both components for savings and death benefits.

Pure Savings Plan

A pure savings plan with a minimum term of 10 years.


We provide monthly pension at a very competitive rate to members retiring from private pension funds.

Group Business

Loan Protection

Repays on the borrower’s death the outstanding debt under a particular financing arrangement.

Group Funeral

Group Funeral Insurance is designed to provide immediate financial assistance upon natural or accidental death of an employee/member, or his nominated dependents.

Group Life

Life assurance arranged by employer for his employees.

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